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Writer's pictureXander Turian

The Unexpected Promotion

One day as I was scrolling through Facebook I received a notification from one of the many groups I am a member of for actors. This particular post was a casting call in a Swedish group seeking a native English speaking actor to play a criminal gangster in a self-funded short film by Matt Rosenholm.

Matt is a Swedish music producer and actor who needed English material for his showreel to show to agents during a trip to LA that he had planned. He had written a script, hired a production company and was now in the process of finding all the roles for his film.

I sent him all of my materials and resume and we decided to meet and have a chat about his project. We ended up chatting for over 2 hours, bouncing ideas back and forth about the scenes and how we could develop the idea further to then submit to festivals. The meeting ended with me not only getting a supporting role in the film, but also signing on to co-produce the project.

Matt & Xander on the set of TUP

Through my network of contacts we were able to cast the rest of the roles.

I was able to bring in Johnny Höglin, Founder & CEO of Ronin Media and an awesome actor that I met on the set of Direct Deposit – he ended up playing the mafia boss that my character worked for in The Unexpected Promotion.

We also had a special cameo by another one of my closest friends and Swedish Golden Scarab (Guldbagge) nominated actor, Sebastian Hiort af Ornäs who played Matts best friend in the film as a favour to me.

The shoot took 2 days and was a lot of fun. The team that Matt had hired were professional and the locations he found suited the needs of the script. I was very impressed and everyone involved worked hard to get the results we wanted.

After I received the first edit of the movie I of course sent it to Andreas [Gyllström] who then created all of the sound foley and composed a full soundtrack for us. I also edited the trailer which Andreas also added music to.

Before submitting to festivals I hired Gaz Jackson to make some Artwork and posters for us. He had done an amazing job creating some of the first posters for Rotten Love and I always like to work with people again that do a good job. And Gaz delivered.

The Unexpected Promotion was a fun project to be a part of. We actually have ideas of developing a feature script which Matt is currently working on. So we shall see what the future holds, stay tuned!


Swedish Motion AB & Cuprite Productions

Proudly Present

'The Unexpected Promotion'

Starring Matt Rosenholm Xander Turian Johnny Höglin

Written by Matt Rosenholm Directed by Styrbjörn Dannelöv Karlin

Produced by Matt Rosenholm & Xander Turian Original Soundtrack by Andreas Gyllström

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